Update From Our IMF Offering


I wanted to give you all an update on the International Missions Fund (IMF) offering we received on March 14. Leading up to the offering I asked you to seek the Lord in prayer for how much he wanted you to contribute to the gospel ministry our global partners are engaged in.

I just learned from our finance team that you gave nearly $12k. It was the largest single missions weekend offering we have ever received! Thank you for giving so generously, my friends! Since 2018, giving to our IMF has increased 50%. That’s a loud statement of God’s faithfulness to help us love what he loves – the spread of his fame among the nations. 

By way of reminder, 50% of every dollar given to the IMF goes to our missionary emergency and support fund. For many years, we only used this sub-category for unexpected financial needs our missionary partners encounter in the field—repairing cars, replacing funds lost due to Covid, etc. However, we rolled over enough of that emergency fund money from 2020 that we’re now able to both maintain financial reserves for our current partners and save for the upfront cost of deploying the next full time missionary from KingsWay. Isn’t that exciting! The Lord is getting us ready. 

Two years ago, our International Missions Committee worked with our elders to develop a list of missions convictions for our church. It’s an outline of the biblical priorities we believe God wants us to honor as we vet potential partnerships and decide where to invest our relational and financial resources. These convictions will govern the way we invest every dollar we received for missions. Join me in asking the Lord to help our elders and missions committee know how to steward his resources wisely!