Sunday Review: 11/1/20

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On Sunday, November 1, 2020, Matthew Williams preached the message, “You Have A Mission” as part of our current sermon series Life in the Son from John 4:27-42.  To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for Will Hagen’s Prayer of Praise and discussion questions for this Sunday’s message.

Prayer of Confession:

Heavenly Father,

We come before you today as a people in awe of Who you are and what You have done for us. Your beauty is unfathomable - we know this even when we struggle to feel it. In your unfailing mercy you have grafted us into Your chosen people, Your royal priesthood, Your holy nation of believers called to declare Your praises alone.

But this morning, we confess that it is very easy to confuse putting faith in You with putting faith into our American nation.

Father, we still our hearts to take keen awareness of ways that we are struggling in regard to the election this week. Some of our hearts are full of anxiety for the outcome, anxiety for what it will mean for our family’s well being and the forward momentum of principles that we hold dear. Some of us are struggling with anger, not because we are surrounded by messages and characters that are contrary to you, but because our political ideology has been attacked or questioned in some way. And many of us are struggling with defensive pride and judgement toward others who are coloring in a different bubble than us on the ballot.

Oh God, humble us.

Forgive us for idolatry, forgive us for complacency, forgive us for the quiet unchristlike mindsets that we have been nurturing while campaigns around us rush toward their finish lines in this election. As we confess our sin and cast our votes, may no desire take priority in our hearts above Your glory, unity in Your body, and unconditional love for our neighbors. Show us how to do that well, in whatever context you have placed us. Show us how to hold firm to our convictions as salt and light while also recognizing that, no matter what, many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.

The peace that comes from our confession drives us to thank you for the liberty to vote for our leaders. We thank you for the many men and women on both federal and local levels who are appearing on ballots this week - may you strengthen, encourage, and protect each from violence, arrogance, fear, and pride. As we continue to be sensitive to your Spirit’s conviction, may you quiet each of our hearts, too, as we root deep into the Truth that You are our Judge, You are our Lawgiver, You are our King. 

It is You alone who will save us.

Be glorified we pray, Amen

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you have a heartfelt zeal to do good to others by inviting them to come and see Jesus?

  2. In what ways do you believe the lie that God's work is not good or satisfying?

  3. What do you see when you look at the world? Is it different than what Jesus sees in John 4:35?

  4. Do you have confidence in the power of God's word?

  5. If you are a Christian you have a testimony of what God has done for you. How can you share that testimony this week with someone?