Sunday Review: 5/30/21


On Sunday, May 30, 2021, Matthew Williams preached the message “Believe and Never Die” from John 11:1-44 as part of our current series Life in the Son. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for Jeff Davis’ Prayer of Confession and discussion questions for this Sunday’s message.

Prayer of Confession:

We humbly come before you, Father God, to collectively confess today our transgressions. We admit that we do not pause to hear your voice and we do not always heed your calling when we do. We shy away from your calling and live in fear that our humanity cannot represent your gospel because of our inadequacy; revealing our reliance on our own efforts. 

We are not consistent in representing your light in the darkness. Despite our desire to align our will with yours, our sinful nature persists. We refuse to relinquish all of ourselves and resist your work to define the desires of our heart.

We fear that our deficiencies somehow keep us from entering your presence rather than resting in the assurances of your eternal love and mercy. We do this when we lose sight of our identity as your children due to the power in Jesus Christ and not due to our own merit.

We admit that we are a stiff-necked people and forget your proven faithfulness to us. We lose heart and long for a new sign to renew our faith rather than practicing solid belief in your sovereign timing to work all things for our good according to your will.

We admit, Father, that we compare ourselves horizontally to others to gauge our performance rather than vertically to you as the standard of righteousness.

We confess that we see our trials as personal and rely on our own ingenuity to work out a solution rather than relying on the all-powerful creator of the universe who has promised to hear our pleas.

Thank you, God, that you hear us and are faithful to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness for our joy and your glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does knowing that God redeems our suffering for his glory and our good change the way you view suffering?

  2. Do you believe the suffering you are experiencing (or have experienced) grieves Jesus’ heart too?

  3. In vv. 5-6 it says that Jesus delayed his response because he loved them. Is there an area of life where you are waiting and you need to trust that Jesus' heart towards you in that situation is loving?

  4. How do you respond to knowing that Jesus is more committed to strengthening your faith than sparing you suffering?

  5. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead by speaking into the tomb, and Jesus continues to speak to us through his Word. How does this encourage you as you read your Bible?

  6. What about this passage in John 11 makes you love Jesus more?