Sunday Review: 1/12/2020


On Sunday, January 12, 2020, Kevin Khoffie led worship, Walter Lewanowicz gave a missions report, and Chris Deloglos preached the message, “Share the Word” as part of our current series, Sunday Matters from Acts 2:42-47. To listen to this message again, click here.

Prayer Points for Our Missionaries in Asia:

1. Please pray that the government officials grant a one year visa following their interview on Monday.

2. Pray for grace and wisdom as they plan their move in a few months. They are waiting for the official paperwork to be approved, but need to sort out a number of logistics on how to do life and ministry in a very different region of the country. Please pray for unity for the team members as they discuss and sort these things out together.

3. Pray for grace as they adjust back to a different culture and reestablish life rhythms again. The children started school this week and they will resume language lessons and more ministry next week.

4. Pray that they and their team would do all things out of a place of abiding in Christ.

Discussion Questions:

1. Read Acts 2:42-47. How is fellowship a means of grace to believers?

2. Chris said, “The power of our fellowship is not our practice, rather His presence.” Does this change your view of fellowship?

3. With what attitude should we approach each other in biblical fellowship?

4. Describe an instance when someone encouraged you or when you encouraged someone in their faith.

5. What hinders you from taking initiative in engaging with others?

6. Chris’ ABCs of fellowship were: Ask people how they are doing. Bring your gift. Communicate the care of Christ. Which of these is an area you can grow in?

7. Who might God be calling you to engage with?