Sunday Review: 2/2/20


On Sunday, February 2, 2020, Bruce Robertson led worship, four people were baptized, and Matthew Williams preached the message, “The Grace of Baptism" as part of our current series, Sunday Matters from Acts 2:36-41. To listen to this message again, click here.


This Sunday the following people were baptized: Juan Leon, Lissette Ardon, Rachel Haldeman, and Josh Fernandez. We rejoice in the work that God is doing in their lives.

Discussion Questions:

  1. If you have been baptized, what was that experience like? Do you believe you were a genuine Christian at that point in your life?

  2. Why do you think baptism is important?

  3. Were any of the aspects of baptism Matthew described new for you? Which ones most encourage your soul?

  4. Have you thought of baptism more as something an individual does or as something the church does?

  5. Why is it not enough for someone to claim to be a Christian or for everyone in the church to think someone is a Christian?

  6. How is baptism connected to the mission Jesus has given our church in Matthew 28:19?

  7. What sorts of problems might we create when we separate baptism and church membership?