Sunday Review: 4/26/20


On Sunday, April 26, 2020, Matthew Williams preached the message, “Psalm 139″ over live stream as part of our interim sermon series Fear Not. To listen to this message again, click here.


  1. Psalm 139 makes it clear that God knows you better than you know yourself. Is this truth new to you?

  2. How do you respond to God having intimate knowledge of you?

  3. Are you focused more on your own thoughts about yourself or on what God says about you?

  4. Do you try to hide your sins and weaknesses from God and his people? If so, how?

  5. Where in your life does it feel like "darkness is covering you"? How does knowing that darkness is not dark to God bring you comfort?

  6. How have you seen God care for you over the past 7+ weeks.

  7. As we respond, "You're amazing. York justice. Make me holy." Which one of those might God be calling you to grow in?

  8. What is a specific verse from Psalm 139 that you can call to mind this week to help you fight for faith?