Sunday Review: 9/15/24


On Sunday September 15, 2024, Josh Kruger preached the message “Making Sense of the Suffering of the Saints” from 1 Peter 2:19-24. To listen to this message again, click here. See below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. Suffering often feels senseless. How is God’s design for our suffering different than the Evil One’s intention? 

  2. How does remembering God is familiar with suffering bring comfort?

  3. Do you struggle to believe God ordains our suffering? What does Job’s experience teach us? 

  4. It’s tempting to think we can avoid suffering by making all the right choices. How does the gospel (and Ecclesiastes) prove that’s a lie? 

  5. What promised purposes have you seen the Lord accomplish through your suffering? Where have you experienced comfort through the community of the saints?

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