Sunday Review: 6/21/24


On Sunday July 21, 2024, Steve Teter preached the message “The Heart & Blessings of Our Partnership” from Acts 11:19-29. To listen to this message again, click here. See below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. How does the gospel overcome division and self-centeredness? Where have you seen this in your own life and/or church?

  2. What does gospel partnership with other churches protect us from?

  3. Steve listed five blessings of gospel partnership: a shared belief, a shared polity (church governance), a shared partnership in gospel missions and church planting, a shared fellowship, and a shared gratefulness to God with joy for all He is doing and has done through our partnership. How do these things bless the church? In what particular ways have you witnessed any of these blessings?

  4. Steve said, “We love all believers, but we join covenantally with those of like mind.” The global Church is united in the gospel, but different convictions on secondary matters may lead to denominational differences. Why is this not a bad thing?

  5. Think of some practical ways you can pray for KingsWay, your pastors, and Sovereign Grace Churches. Write them down so that you can be faithful to pray through them.