Sunday Review: 10/30/2022


On Sunday, October 30, 2022, Josh Kruger Jr. preached the message “A Serving Savior” from Mark 2:1-12. Please see below for discussion questions on this passage and sermon.


  1. What serves as evidence in your life that, like Jesus, you prioritize proclaiming God's Word?

  2. How willing have you been to sacrifice for the sake of bringing others near to Jesus? Are you sensing God's prompting to make a new sacrifice to bring someone closer to Him?

  3. Do your prayers tend to center on physical circumstances or spiritual needs? What is one practical way you can learn to pray more consistently for spiritual needs?

  4. Has the Lord ever answered one of your prayers in an unexpected way? What did his answer tell you about his character?

  5. To what degree is your faith dependent upon seeing visible miracles or results from your prayers?