Sunday Review: 11/6/22


On Sunday, November 6, 2022, Rick Zaman preached the message “Meet the I AM” from Exodus 3:1-15. Please see below for discussion questions on this passage and sermon.


  1. If you are a Christian, who is one person who played a pivotal role in your understanding of the gospel message and in your conversion?

  2. What does it mean that God is holy? What should our response be when we sing about, talk about, or meditate on God’s holiness?

  3. Moses felt completely inadequate for the task God called him to, and as a result he made several excuses not to obey God. Do you sometimes, like Moses, lack a faith-filled response to God’s call on your life? Please explain. What should our response be when God calls us for service in his Kingdom?

  4. God called Moses despite his failures, weaknesses, and flaws.  Why does God call sinful, weak, and “failed” men and women to represent him? What does this mean for your life?

  5. What is the significance of Jesus’ words in John 8:58: “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am”?