Update: Sovereign Grace Churches' Support for Ukraine


Since the tragic war between Ukraine and Russia escalated in early 2022, Sovereign Grace Churches (SGC) have been privileged to help support the Ark Church in Dnipro, Ukraine, led by Michael Ostanin, a graduate of the German Pastors College. Michael planted this church 20 years ago out of the Arche Church in Hamburg, Germany.  By God’s grace, an impressive and strategic church took root, growing significantly and planting a second church in Synelnykove, an hour east of Dnipro. 

At the outset of the war in February 2022, however, 90% of Michael’s church departed, either joining the army or fleeing the city for the west—leaving mainly the elderly and those unable to flee.

Since the invasion, the church’s ministry has entirely changed, turning into a virtual refugee center where Michael and his team serve not only their own folk, but a steady flow of refugees, 24/7. Beds cover the entire auditorium, pushed aside on Sundays for worship. Their main hall is overflowing with refugees seeking food and sustenance. Almost all are unbelievers, and all are traumatized by the ravages of war.

Amidst these unthinkable circumstances, Michael and his team listen to stories, weep, counsel, pray, and share the hope offered in Christ—even as they search out supplies, distribute food and clothing, tend to the sick and injured, and clean overwhelmed toilet systems . . . it reminds one of medieval Christians who remained in plague-ravaged towns to care for the afflicted. Only here, the Ark Church is offering not just physical relief, but the eternal hope of the gospel, and they are seeing many come to faith in Christ. It is simply breathtaking to behold the Spirit-enabled, unflagging perseverance of Michael and his church over the past 19 months. 

Michael’s Report from September 2023:

Thank you so much for your faithfulness, generosity and patience.

All last week we were under the yoke of the death of our brother Roman, a member of the church, a soldier. He was only 22 years old and had been raised in the church since Sunday school… I, as a pastor, wanted to send him to study at the seminary, because Roman had a clear gift of a teacher. 

The death of Roman crushed me, at the thought of him, I wept, and I could not preach at his funeral at all. I prayed that the Lord would strengthen me and enable me to proclaim the truth that through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God will grant life after death to those who believe in Him. The Lord strengthened me in my weakness and gave me the strength to preach that believers mourn for their dead brother with the hope of meeting him through faith in the dead and risen Christ. After the sermon, we all wept and prayed fervently. After the funeral, the soldiers [in attendance] asked me to pray for them personally. Two called me today and told me about their fears and pain, and I tried to direct their eyes to Christ. The Lord used even the death of a Christian to bring the Gospel to unbelieving people and glorify His grace.

We continue to serve hundreds of refugees and give them food. But our main ministry and our passion is to bring them the Gospel. Our merciful God is using the darkest days in the history of our people to turn the hearts of many from suffering to the glory of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for your prayers, words of encouragement, and generous donations. You show us Christ and His grace is glorified in you.

sgc’s response:

Above all, pray for Michael, his family, and his team, who could easily have fled but decided to remain, risking their lives to care for Christ’s flock and proclaim the gospel to the thousands providentially brought to their door.  

SGC’s support for Ark Dnipro is not a typical relief situation: the Lord has turned this political tragedy into an unprecedented gospel opportunity. The church’s financial support has been provided by donations from individuals and some of our SGC churches, a small grant from the European Development Fund, a large effort by the German sending church, as well as other churches in Ukraine and Russia, too.

This past July, SGC had to cut its giving to sustain its duration. If an additional $20K can be raised, SGC can sustain our current (decreased) level of support through the end of 2023. An additional $20K would enable us to give through the brutal Ukrainian winter. If you are in a position to help with a financial gift, it can be made to the Europe Development Fund here. All gifts will go directly to the Ark Church Dnipro to support their gospel efforts.