Corporate Devotions: 1 Peter (Part 2)


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Reading: 1 Peter 2:13-3:7

Questions for Reflection:

  1. What does it mean to be subject to human institutions “for the Lord’s sake?” How could Peter include wicked Roman emperors who actively persecuted his readers within that sphere of obedience? Notice the two statements in verse 17, “Fear God,” and, “Honor the emperor,” are connected but not identical.

  2. How have you experienced unjust suffering at the hands of men? Think about areas of your life where you have sought to do what is “good” (verse 20) and it made your life harder, not easier. How does verse 21 adjust our expectations on the path of obedience to God? Confess to the Lord specific situations or relationships where you have been reluctant to follow his example.

  3. In keeping with Christ’s example, where today do you need to choose to not revile or threaten? Think about the difference between acting as if we are the judge and entrusting ourselves “to him who judges justly.” Are there any relationships in your life where you’re tempted to try to vindicate yourself?

  4. How does knowing that Jesus “bore our sins in his body on the tree” (verse 24) bring comfort to you as we struggle to follow Jesus’ example of repaying evil with good? If you are married, how can you submit yourself to God’s design for your relationship as an expression of trust in the Lord? Ask the Lord to help you “die to sin and live to righteousness.”

Song: Hallelujah What a Savior

Reading: 1 Peter 3:8-22

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Where are you tempted to speak or do evil in the midst of your own suffering? Can you think of any relationships where you’ve refused to have a “tender heart” or a “humble mind”? What would seeking peace, doing good, or blessing that person instead of retaliating against them look like?

  2. How do you think we will “be blessed” when we “suffer for righteousness’ sake” (verse 14)?

  3. There can be a deep desire to convince other people, especially those who have hurt us, that we are right and they are wrong. What kind of “defense” does the Lord want us to make instead? Is the “hope” in verse 15 confidence in what man will do or God will do?

  4. Read verse 18 and meditate on the way Christ has repaid your evil against him with good. Take some time to praise God for doing for us what we are reluctant to do for others.

Song: O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer

Reading: 1 Peter 4:1-11

Questions for Reflection:

  1. What sinful passions are you most tempted to indulge when you’re suffering, both in the past and right now?

  2. How does the future judgment of God compel present holiness and make the gospel such good news?

  3. In both 1 Peter 3:7 and 1 Peter 4:7, Peter connects personal holiness to answered prayer in the midst of suffering. How does that make sense with the gospel (which tells us we cannot earn access or favor with God through our own merit)? Why might God choose to not answer the prayers of those who refuse to obey him?

  4. What spiritual gifts has God given you that you could use today to love and serve the people around you? Thank the Lord in advance for supplying the strength you need to be a good steward of all he has entrusted to you.

Song: All I Have is Christ

Reading: 1 Peter 4:12-19

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Sharing in Christ’s sufferings and sharing in his glory are inseparable. How does this truth enable us to rejoice in the midst of fiery trials of our own? Meditate on the tremendous comfort of being united with Christ, such that his story is our story.

  2. Is any part of your present suffering directly tied to the consequences of disobedience? How does the suffering we experience on the path of obedience strengthen our assurance of salvation?

  3. How does the coming judgment of God motivate us to live a self-examined life, especially in the midst of suffering? Can you think of any ways you’ve given yourself a pass on holiness because life is hard right now?

  4. Where do you need to entrust your soul to a faithful Creator while doing good today?

Song: Jesus I My Cross Have Taken

Reading: 1 Peter 5:1-14

Questions for Reflection:

  1. How have you experienced the care of the Great Shepherd through his under-shepherds? Take a few minutes to pray for those the Lord has placed in positions of spiritual leadership or oversight in your life. How can you grow in humbling yourself and be easy to lead?

  2. How is casting our anxieties on the Lord an expression of humility? What particular burdens are weighing on your soul today? Take time to entrust those to the Lord through prayer.

  3. Much of 1 Peter is focused on suffering we experience at the hands of people who hurt us. 1 Peter 5:8-9 reminds us there is a face pressing through every act of human wickedness and every temptation to sin. Where do you need to resist the works and effects of the devil today by clinging to faith in Christ?

  4. Spend some unhurried time thanking God for the promise of 1 Peter 5:10 – in the end, your suffering will not have the final word. Ask the Lord for grace to “stand firm” (verse 12) as we wait for him to do what he has said he will do.

Song: Afflicted Saint, to Christ Draw Near