Corporate Devotions: Exodus (Part 6)

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ReadingExodus 25

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Verse 22 is the key to understanding not only this chapter, but the entire rest of Exodus. The Lord’s aim from Genesis 3:9 onward has been to “dwell” with his people. Intimate relationship is the goal. Take a few minutes to thank and praise God for drawing near to you through Jesus (Emmanuel), remembering he’s not just doing you a favor. He’s bringing to pass that which he himself earnestly desires.

  2. Think about the significance of the phrases “exactly as I show you” in verse 9 and “which is being shown you” in verse 40. They remind us God will not be worshiped in whatever way we feel like worshiping him, like a stray dog who’s happy to scarf up any scraps we toss his direction. He will be worshiped in the way he requires. Ask the Lord to help you to carefully obey his Word today as a “living sacrifice” of worship (see Roman 12:1-2), especially in areas where you don’t feel like doing what you know he has commanded you to do. 

  3. The ark was the focal point of the manifest presence of God in the tabernacle. Did you notice what the Lord told Moses to place within the ark in verse 21? What does that tell you about the role of God’s Word in making his glory and presence known to us? How should that affect the attitude with which you read it and what you expect the Lord to do through it? 

  4. Nothing in the temple is random or accidental. Read John 6:35 and John 8:12. Both the bread of the Presence and the lamp stand with seven lamps point forward to Jesus. Thank the Lord for being the One who nourishes and gives life to our souls and bodies. Ask the Spirit to help you see the glory of Jesus and keep coming to him for life. 

Song: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Reading: Exodus 26-27

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Cherubim are a repeating feature in the furnishings and fabrics of the tabernacle. Read Genesis 3:24 to understand the significance of the image. Ask the Lord to guard you from a nonchalant or casual attitude in your relationship with him. Pray for a healthy awe and fear of the Lord. 

  2. The tabernacle was a powerful illustration of life in the presence of God. No aspect of the design was left to chance – clasps, loops, and overhangings included. Everything had a purpose and a place (verse 30). What does that tell you about the Lord’s character? Read Jeremiah 23:24 and think about how the tabernacle is a case study for the nature of God’s will and the extent of his reign over every part of your life. 

  3. Notice how a veil separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy place. Read Matthew 27:45-54. What did the rending of the veil from top to bottom represent? Think about the fear and wonder the priests ministering in the Holy Place on that day must have felt. Now read Hebrews 10:19-22 and praise Jesus for accomplishing what no human priests would have ever dreamed possible. 

  4. The tabernacle was designed by God but created by man. Think about the humility the Lord showed in deigning to dwell, to wrap himself as it were, in something man made. How does that point forward to what we celebrate at Christmas? Thank the Lord for his humility to dwell in our midst. Ask him to help you consider no place or relationship as too “low” or “inferior” for you to enter and remain in fulfilling his mission for your life. 

Song: Behold Our God

Reading: Exodus 28

 Questions for Reflection:

  1. This chapter is loaded with symbolic significance. Notice how many times the phrase “holy garments” is repeated in verses 1-5. How does the clothing of the Aaronic priests point forward to Jesus (see 1 Peter 1:19)? Read Zechariah 3 and praise God for clothing you in garments of righteousness through faith in Christ! 

  2. What was engraved on the two stones in verse 11 and the twelve stones in verse 21? What did those engraved stones say about Aaron’s role as a priest? Read Romans 8:26-2734 and take a few minutes to thank the Spirit and the Son for interceding on your behalf in a far greater way. Thank the Father that we never escape his “remembrance,” both corporately and individually. Ask for help to trust the Lord’s care for you, knowing he carries you “on his heart” (verse 29).

  3. Notice the colors of the ephod in verse 6 are the same as the colors of the tabernacle (see Exodus 26:1), identifying the priests with the dwelling place of God. Read 1 Peter 2:9 and ask the Lord to help you represent him well as a “royal priest” in the way you live. You have been set apart, even more than Aaron, as “holy to the Lord” (verse 36). 

  4. Verses 33-35 and 42-43 remind us to never approach God casually. He is a holy God and deserves our highest respect. No one gets to saunter into his presence uninvited, unannounced, or unclothed. Imagine the gravity and sobriety to the rhythmic ring of the bells on the bottom of the robe as Aaron walked into and out of the Holy Place. Ask the Lord to help you to savor and feel the weight of glory we enjoy through intimate communion with him.

Song: Before the Throne of God Above

Reading: Exodus 29

Questions for Reflection:

  1. The list of required offerings in this chapter make a loud statement of the imperfect nature of human priests. Aaron and his sons still needed atonement for their own sins before they could minister on behalf of the people of God. Read Hebrews 5:1-10 and praise Jesus for the ways he is both like and unlike the Aaronic priesthood. 

  2. Think about how sobering and discouraging it would have been to sacrifice two lambs on the altar day after day for your entire life. More atonement was always necessary as yesterday’s offering was insufficient for a new day. Read Hebrews 10:1-14 and thank Jesus for taking away the guilt of your sins once and for all. 

  3. Notice in verse 42-43 how the Lord promised to meet, speak, and sanctify the people. It’s what he was gloriously present to accomplish. Thank the Lord for giving you all the same privileges today through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.

  4. The cost of your consecration to the Lord through the work of Christ was infinitely greater than the cost of Aaron’s ordination. Ask the LORD your God (verse 46) to help you remember throughout the day that you have been set apart for his priorities and purposes. 

Song: See the Destined Day Arise

Reading: Exodus 30

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Nearly everything in the tabernacle had to be consecrated with blood, and not just once, but year after year (see verse 10). It’s a vivid reminder that sin corrupts and stains not just ourselves but everything we touch or offer to God. Read 1 Peter 2:5 and thank Jesus that the living sacrifice of your life (Romans 12:1-12) is acceptable to him because of the cleansing blood of Jesus. Rejoice in knowing he is pleased by your imperfect acts of worship today because Jesus’ blood cleanses them from all that is unholy. 

  2. Verse 15 reminds us that, whether we’re rich or poor in the eyes of the world, we all need Jesus. We all need atonement for the guilt of our sins. Ask the Lord to help you grow in humility today by seeing yourself as someone who needs a Savior just as much as the people around you need a Savior – kids included!  

  3. Did you notice the number of times the Lord says, “Do such and such so that they may not die”? Without a ransom, you die. Without washing, you die. Our relationship with God is a matter of life and death. Ask the Lord to open the eyes of folks in your family or workplace to see the gravity of their spiritual condition and to run to Jesus accordingly. 

  4. Neither the anointing oil nor the incense offered in the tabernacle were to be used for any purpose other than what the Lord explicitly prescribed. Read 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 and notice how the Holy Spirit sets us apart in a similar way. Ask the Lord to help you devote your entire body, including your sexuality, for his purposes, not your own. 

Song: Jesus Thank You