Corporate Devotions: Exodus (Part 4)

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Reading: Exodus 15:1-21

Questions for Reflection:

  1. From this distance, it can be hard to appreciate the sense of utter helplessness the Israelites felt as they were trapped between the sea and Egyptian army. They had no recourse or back-up plan, which made the Lord’s overwhelmingly decisive intervention all the more glorious. How have you experienced the Lord’s saving power in the midst of enemies that were too strong for you? 

  2. Words like sing, praise, and exalt appear four times in the first 2 verses and twice in the last verse of this section. That makes a loud statement about the divinely intended effect of God’s saving power: it opens our mouths in grateful praise. He isn’t just our strength, he is our song. Take a few minutes to thank the Lord out loud for his kindness toward you.

  3. The images in verses 4-12 explain verse 3, it tells us  what it means that “the LORD is a man of war.” Meditate on the fact that the Lord isn’t neutral toward those who seek to harm his people. He is actively opposed to them and will eventually crush them. Ask the Lord to “overthrow” (verse 7) the physical and spiritual adversaries arrayed against you today (this includes temptations to evil).

  4. Verses 13-18 are a beautiful picture of the preserving grace of God. He gets his people home. With heaven in view, pray verse 17 back to the Lord out loud in personalized form. “Father, thank you that you will bring me in and plant me on your own mountain…” 

Song: A Mighty Fortress

Reading: Exodus 15:22-27

Questions for Reflection:

  1. The brevity of today’s reading does not diminish its relevance in the least. Have you ever experienced a situation where you saw the Lord come through for you in a mighty way and then almost immediately, things seemed to get worse again? Why do you think the Lord works that way?

  2. Notice the difference between how the people responded in verse 24 and Moses responded in verse 25. Can you think of any situations right now where you need to cry to the Lord instead of grumbling against someone? How about a situation where someone is grumbling against you, and instead of speaking in kind you cry to the Lord?

  3. Experiencing the Lord’s healing power instead of his judgment depends on walking before him in the obedience of faith (see verse 26). That doesn’t mean Christian won’t get sick in this life. It means experiences of the physical curse of sin will ultimately end in healing and that, even in this life, the Lord is not indifferent to our bodily plight. As your Healer, ask the Lord to deliver you and others from illness. And pray for faith that refuses to conclude your suffering is a sign that God has forsaken you (See Hebrews 12:3-17).

  4. Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like it was impossible for God to provide what you needed? Thank the Lord for what verse 27 reveals about his generosity. Ask him to help you trust that he is able to take a bitter situation and make it sweet. Confess any unbelief in your heart that says the Lord is indifferent to your needs.

Song: I Lay it All

Reading: Exodus 16

Questions for Reflection:

  1. How often we, like Israel, forget the track record of God’s provision, choose to grumble, and deny his love for us. Notice how the unbelief in their heart even caused them to rewrite history in verse 3! We can’t see the past, present, or future clearly absent faith in God. Ask the Lord to deliver you from grumbling and complaining and thank him for being a merciful provider, even when you have a terrible attitude.

  2. Doing life God’s way requires daily dependence on the Lord for all our needs (see verse 4). The same principle holds true today. What does verse 18 teach you about (a) the importance of daily diligence and (b) the source of our provision?

  3. Go back and reread verses 27-30. Where do you need to rest from your labor today as an expression of trust that God’s faithfulness to provide does not ultimately depend on your labor? What does Israel’s experience with manna say about the futility of human enterprise absent submission to the priorities and purposes of God?

  4. The longevity and timing of the Lord’s provision in verse 35 is stunning. God hasn’t changed. Take some time to confess your unbelief to the Lord. Ask him for faith to believe he knows all your needs and will be faithful to provide, material needs included!

Song: He’s Always Been Faithful


Reading: Exodus 17

Questions for Reflection:

  1. It’s easy to read Israel’s story in verse 2-3 and think, “Come on already, guys! Don’t you remember what God did in the previous chapter?” Let’s be honest, we’re no different. Ask the Lord to help you stop demanding that other people satisfy your needs and cast your cares on him instead, trusting him to provide.

  2. Some of you are in significant positions of leadership at work or in our community. What can you learn from Moses’ request in verse 4 and the Lord’s reply in verses 5-6?

  3. Read 1 Corinthians 10:4 and Isaiah 53:5. How does Moses “striking” the rock in verse 6 point forward to God’s provision for us in the gospel? Pray that lingering physical needs in your life would not blind you to remembering your greatest need (forgiveness for the same sins Israel committed) and his provision in Jesus.

  4. Read Hebrews 7:22-25. How do Moses’ hands, raised in intercession, point forward to Jesus? What does verse 13 teach us about the Lord’s faithfulness to accomplish mighty works through weak prayers brought in Jesus’ name?

Song: The Solid Rock


Reading: Exodus 18

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Moses’ arrival at “the mountain of God” (verse 5) fulfills the very promise God made him back in Exodus 3:12. When he tells his father-in-law, “how the Lord had delivered them” Jethro’s response (verse 11) is exactly what the Lord said would happen back in Exodus 6:6. Praise the Lord for being a God who keeps his promises and ask him for opportunities to tell other people how he has been faithful to you.

  2. Moses had a lot going for him as a leader, but he was weak and limited like every other man. Contrast Jerthro’s assessment in verse 18 with Jesus’ promise in Matthew 11:28-30. Are there any areas in your life where you are doing God’s work in your way and wearing yourself out as a result? Ask the Lord to give you wisdom to distinguish between work that arguably needs doing and specific work he has called you to do.

  3. The entire nation benefited from Moses’ willingness to delegate responsibility to able men. In contrast, we often delude ourselves into thinking that if we ask for help we will be a burden on others. Where do you need to humbly say “help” to God by saying “help” to the people around you?

  4. Are there any responsibilities you could carry for the people around you at home, at work, or in the church so that they in turn will be “able to endure” (see verse 23)?

Song: A Christian’s Daily Prayer