supporting the pregnancy resource center of metro richmond

This past Sunday January 22 was Sanctity of Life Sunday.  Isaiah 49:1 says, “The Lord called me from the womb, from the body of my mother he named my name.”  The mission of the Pregnancy Resource Center of Metro Richmond (PRC) is to be a loving refuge and a valuable resource for women and men who were unprepared for pregnancy by offering free resources and practical assistance for life-affirming choices.  Pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, parenting classes, support groups, Bible studies, and material assistance are all examples of free resources that the PRC provides, which can make the difference between mothers choosing to carry to term or terminate their pregnancy.  If you missed it on Sunday, this short video explains a little more about what the Pregnancy Resource Center is and what they do.

One of the best ways we can protect unborn lives, arguably the most defenseless and vulnerable among us, is by financially supporting our local Pregnancy Resource Center to enable them to continue to offer the free services they do. The Pregnancy Resource Center’s mission is not limited to a pro-life partnership; it is also a gospel partnership - the ultimate message of mercy, hope, and life. For the next four weeks, any offerings given toward KingsWay’s Mercy Fund will go 100% toward the Pregnancy Resource Center of Metro Richmond.  If you feel called to be a part of this mission, you can give online here via our website or drop your check into the offering basket on one of the next four Sunday mornings. Please note “Mercy Fund” in your check memo line and we will donate that gift to the PRC.  Thank you for considering.

May the Lord use our gifts by His power to save the lives of many children in our city and to bring many mothers, fathers, and children the spiritual life found only in Him.

John Buffington, Deacon of Mercy

KingsWay Communications