Upcoming Sunday School Classes

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In 2 Peter 1:5-6, the apostle sets forth a dynamic vision for the Christian life. “Make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Christianity is not about acquiring a spiritual status or checking a religious box and then moving on with the rest of your life. Following Jesus is necessarily active. We strive for holiness. We fight for faith. We make every effort, as Peter says, to grow in godliness so we do not become “ineffective” or “unfruitful” Christians.

An ineffective or unfruitful Christians is someone who knows a lot of things about Jesus but never really becomes more like Jesus as a result. They’re spiritually stagnant, and godly character qualities are not visibly increasing in their life. Any of us can fall into that trap, especially as we grow older.

Sunday School classes at KingsWay are part of our corporate effort to push hard in the opposite direction. If it wasn’t such an awkward title, I would call them our “make every effort” classes. Allow me to highlight such classes coming up this month.

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Topic: Meeting with God
Teacher: Matthew Williams
Dates: Feb 21 – Mar 28 (6 weeks)
Time: Sundays from 8:45-9:30am

Who should attend?

Many Christian know they should spend time reading their Bible and praying. Few have a clear sense of how to go about doing that in a sustainably consistent way. Guilt, aimlessness, and discouragement abound. The good news is that God himself wants to meet with us and he faithfully equips us through his Word to relate with him. Whether you’re a new believer looking to lay a strong spiritual foundation or a seasoned saint stuck going through the motions, this introduction to meeting with God is designed to help.

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Topic: Managing God’s Money
Teacher: Gabe Bowman
Dates: Feb 21 – Apr 18 (9 weeks)
Time: Sundays from 12:30-2:00pm (bring a lunch)

Who should attend?

None of us are born knowing how to handle our finances in a responsible way. Like most skills, we have to learn the Biblical purpose of money and possessions and learn how to manage them wisely. Gabe’s class will kick off with a 1-week overview of the financial principles we discover in God’s Word followed by an 8-week video series from Financial Peace University (FPU).

The FPU content is very practical, focusing on topics like budgeting and getting out of debt. However, the goal of the class is not to reduce the financial stress in your life. The goal is to help you make the transition from being ruled by your money to honoring God with your money. There is a cost to register for this class. Partial scholarships are available.