Sunday Review: 3/7/21


On Sunday, March 7, 2021, guest speaker Andrew Maples preached the message “Remember the Lord” from Joshua 3:7-4:7. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for Morgan Swank’s Prayer of Confession and discussion questions for this Sunday’s message.

Prayer of Confession:

Lord, we come to you today to confess our sin and ask for your forgiveness. We confess that our hearts are easily captivated by things of this world, and this week we have acted in ways and pursued desires that aren’t pleasing to you.

We confess that in our selfishness we have looked after our own interests first. Instead of seeing others as people that you have called us to love and care for, we have treated them as obstacles to our wants and desires. In our hearts we aren’t believing that you have grace for us in each moment. We hoard our resources, forgetting that we can cast our cares on you because you care for us. 

We confess that in our pride we have attempted to make ourselves look better than we ought. Our hearts desire approval from others, and when we don’t feel like we are receiving that we are quick to lash out in anger. In our hearts we are believing that what others say about us is more important than what you say about us. We forget that you have redeemed us and adopted us. We who were once far off, you have brought near by the blood of Christ—not because of anything that we have done.

We confess that in our impatience we have reached out to take what you haven’t given us. We have decided what we need and determined that you haven’t provided enough. In our hearts we aren’t believing that you are all that we will ever need. We forget that you withhold no good thing from your children.

We confess the deceit in our hearts that makes excuses for our sin—that rationalizes what we have said, thought, or done. We confess that when we can’t come up with a good excuse we then, in our arrogance, believe we can manage our sin.

We are relieved when nobody sees our sin, thinking we have been able to get away with it, not understanding that you see and know. Lord, help us remember that our sin is ultimately against you and you only. Nothing we have done is hidden from you—you see everything we do and you see the desires of our hearts. Help us see our sin as rebellion—treason against you, a holy God, and that the wages of our sin is death.

Lord, we are a people quick to forget and prone to wander. We thank you for your sacrificial love—that you humbled yourself to come to this earth and die for our sins—that you have ransomed us and destroyed the power of sin and death. We thank you that through Jesus we can boldly come, confess, and receive forgiveness. Thank you that when we confess our sins you are faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness—because you have paid the price for our sin.

Lord, we know that unless you change our hearts we are without hope. Open our eyes to see Jesus—not just as the giver of gifts, but as the greatest gift we could ever receive. Thank you that you are patient with us. Help us not presume upon your kindness. Help us remember it is your kindness that leads us to repentance. Give us hearts that desire your will above our own. Help us trust you with all the pieces of our lives. Thank you that we can boldly come to you to receive help in our times of need.  

We pray for humility and contrite hearts. Thank you for your mercy and steadfast love. Give us eyes to see and hearts that desire the fullness of joy that can only be found in your presence. We ask all these things in your name, Amen.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you view God’s presence in your life?

  2. How have you seen God’s presence in your life in the past?

  3. Where do see God’s presence in your life right now?

  4. Andrew mentioned that the Israelites needed to trust that God was going to make a way across the Jordan. What situation are you in right now that you need to trust that God is at work, even if you don’t see what he is doing?

  5. How can you grow in remembering God’s faithfulness to you?