Sunday Review: 3/8/20

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On Sunday, March 8, 2020, Bruce Robertson led worship, Bob Shanks prayed a Prayer of Praise, and Matthew Williams preached the message, “Who is Jesus? Part 2″ as part of our new sermon series Life in the Son from John 1:6-13.  To listen to this message again, click here.

Prayer of Praise:

O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. You are glorious in all that you are! Your holiness, your wisdom, your power, your majesty are all beyond our poor power to take in, much less describe! Yet you invite us to know you! You invite us to into your throne room so we can, with the angels, admire the beauty of your holiness. We want to honor you today, Lord.

Please now, wash from us the dust and dirt of the world that we brought in with us so we can be clean and free before you. We honor You now with our words and songs for who You are.  Infinite in holiness, in righteousness, in wisdom, in power and might. We honor You now for the redemption you bought for us in Jesus. He humbled Himself to become one of us and humbled Himself completely to die a death that paid for our sins! That we could be Your people. 

What mercies you have shown to such selfish people as us! How should we respond to such love? We offer you ourselves completely, as we are, here and now. We offer ourselves as living sacrifices. Please glorify Yourself through us. Here and now. It is only right that we do so. We give you our minds, please reorder our thoughts so we might think your thoughts after you. We give you our hearts, please reorder our affections so we might love what you love. We give you our will, that we might delight to do Your will. And may our songs somehow come close to reflecting the praise of heaven and the worship you richly deserve. Amen.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you considered that the theme of the Bible is God’s pursuit of relationship with his people?

  2. Has biblical faith felt like a leap into the unknown?

  3. Are you struggling with doubt? If so, what are some of the specific doubts you are experiencing?

  4. What good and satisfying reasons does John 1:6-13 give you to trust that Jesus is Lord?

  5. In John 1:11 John says that Jesus’ own people did not receive him. Have you ever struggled with seeing Jesus as God because you don’t want to see him as God?

  6. Who or what besides Jesus are you tempted to trust to give you life?

  7. How do you answer the question, "Who am I?"