Sunday Review: 7/19/20


On Sunday, July 19, 2020, Matthew Williams preached the message, “The Destructive Power of Riches″ as part of our interim sermon series A Faith that Works. For the projection notes from this message, click here. To listen to this message again, click here.


  1. Are you quick to equate financial prosperity with God's love?

  2. Do you exempt or exclude yourself from warnings about the love of money because you think you aren't rich?

  3. When you look at your bank account, are you living more for your material comfort than eternal joy?

  4. Do you regularly ask the Lord what he wants you to do with the finances he gives you?

  5. How can you grow in loving God and loving your neighbor with your material possessions?

  6. How does the Gospel give you hope and help as your fight the desire to love money and possessions?