Sunday Review: 7/18/21


On Sunday, July 18, 2021, we celebrated baptisms and adding new members to our church body! Matthew Williams preached the message “Loving the Unfaithful” from John 13:21-38 as part of our current series Life in the Son. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this Sunday’s message.

Discussion Questions:

  1. None of the other disciples suspected Judas' betrayal. How are you affected when you consider this?

  2. Do you tend to presume that you'll always be a loyal Christian?

  3. Do you recognize Jesus extending his fellowship to you, even in the midst of your wavering?

  4. How does Christ's death on the cross display God's character and glory?

  5. How is glorifying Christ the most loving thing God can do for you?

  6. How can Jesus' persevering love for you fuel your self-giving love for others?

  7. In what specific area are you needing to humbly receive God's sin-conquering grace in your life?