Sunday Review: 1/5/2020


On Sunday, January 5, 2020, Bruce Robertson led worship, Priya Samuel prayed a Prayer of Confession, and Matthew Williams preached the message, “Pray the Word” as part of our current series, Sunday Matters from 1 Timothy 2:1-6Click here for projection from the message. To listen to this message again, click here.

Prayer of Confession:

Dear Lord, our Heavenly Father, we come into your presence with hearts full of wonder for who you are, for your steadfast love towards us, and for your desire to restore your relationship with us through the life and work of Jesus Christ.

Lord, it is with this realization that we come before you to make this prayer of confession. Jesus told us while on earth that the greatest commandment for us is to love you, Lord, with all our heart. We confess that we have failed to do this. We have allowed the things of this world to grab our attention and our affections. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with pleasure and ambition when you have offered us infinite joy through the relationship we have with you. Lord, please forgive us for this. Help us to develop strong affections for you that alone will give us victory in this life. We realize it is when we do this that you will help us to love well those around us, thereby following your second command, which is to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Lord, forgive us for taking your Word lightly. Forgive us for not spending time in your Word, but for spending it on things that will soon pass away.

Lord, forgive us for not being a people of prayer. Forgive us for having our priorities mixed up, that we have little or no time to spend alone with you.

Lord, forgive us for not being like little children. We try to over-analyze you rather than taking you at your Word. Help us to walk by faith and not by sight.

Lord, forgive us for easily forgetting our purpose in this life, which is to glorify you in all that we think, say, and do.

Lord, please forgive us for the many times that we have not loved those around us. Forgive us for our mean words in thought and in deed. Forgive us for not extending grace to those who hurt us and say mean things against us.

Lord, please forgive us for the many times that we have missed opportunities or not been intentional to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with friends and family who do not know you.

Lord, we understand that the life you have called us to live is contrary to the nature of our flesh, and so for this we ask that the power of the Holy Spirit be poured upon each and every one of us, to live this life for your glory.

In the name of Jesus Christ we ask this. Amen.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Matthew said that as believers we should be radically unselfish in our prayers. Do you regularly pray for others beyond yourself and your immediate friends and family?

  2. Is there a specific situation in your life where you have been praying for your felt needs over what matters most to God?

  3. Are any significant categories of people missing in who you pray for over an extended period of time?

  4. Are there groups of people you believe the church is missing in praying for?

  5. What happens in your heart when you think of praying for people, specifically governing authorities, that you might not agree with?

  6. Do you approach God believing that he desires to answer our requests?

  7. How have you experienced God work as you have prayed for others?

  8. What is one way that you can start being intentional to pray for “all people” on a regular basis.

Book Recommendations:

Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God by Timothy Keller
A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller
Praying with Paul: A Call to Spiritual Reformation by D.A. Carson