Sunday Review: 1/10/21

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On Sunday, January 10, 2021, Matthew Williams preached the message “The Bread That Satisfies, Part 1” as part of our current sermon series Life in the Son from John 6:22-35. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this Sunday’s message.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you try to use Jesus as a means to get what you want?

  2. What is the primary focus of your life?

  3. What does faith in the Son of God look like for you right now?

  4. Are you currently pursuing your relationship with God?

  5. We work hard and often sacrifice to feed our physical bodies. Are you willing to work just as hard—if not harder—to feed your soul?

  6. Do you believe that Jesus is the only thing that can satisfy your soul?