Sunday Review: 8/31/20

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On Sunday, August 31, 2020, Mickey Connolly preached the message, “John the Baptist″ from John 1:19-34 as part of our new sermon series Life in the Son from John 1:19-34. To listen to this message again, click here.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What in this passage of John helps you stand in awe of the Lord?

  2. How does John the Baptist's witness to Jesus encourage or exhort you?

  3. Look at Luke 7:18-22 where Jesus responds to John the Baptist's doubt. Is it surprising that Jesus' response was tender and not harsh?

  4. When you doubt, do you run to Jesus through prayer and reading the Word?

  5. In John 1, John the Baptist declares Jesus to be the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. How does seeing Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice for your sin give you hope?