Sunday Review: 4/05/20


On Sunday, April 5, 2020, Josh Kruger prayed a Prayer of Intercession and Matthew Williams preached the message, “Psalm 131" over live stream as part of our interim sermon series Fear Not. To listen to this message again, click here.


  1. In what situations are you currently fighting discontentment, anxiety, worry, or panic?

  2. Have you considered these feelings to be the result of pride? Is the connection between these feelings and pride new to you?

  3. Do you trust that the Lord alone is God, or is your attitude and life telling a different story?

  4. Have you ask God to forgive you for your pride?

  5. Have you asked God to give you the desire and ability to walk in humility towards him?

  6. Pick one situation where you are battling pride (discontentment, anxiety, worry, panic, etc). What is a verse from God's word that can help you fight that battle?