Sunday Review: 4/11/21

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On Sunday, April 11, 2021, Chris Deloglos preached the message “Who the Son Sets Free” from John 8:31-47 as part of our current series Life in the Son. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for Kathryn Shanks’ Prayer of Praise and discussion questions for this Sunday’s message.

Prayer of Praise:

Praise You, Lord! We thank you for all You have given us. For the beauty of this season. The fragrant spring air--filled with the songs of birds and children’s voices as they play in the liquid sunshine.

We love the colors of this season, too, Lord. This world You made delights our eyes every day—vivid greens fill every lawn, tree branch, and every field of sprouting grain. We exclaim over the intense pinks of azalea bushes, the yards full of glorious yellow daffodils, and a riot of colorful tulips standing in proud rows in front yards as we pass by. Overhead are canopies of blues, graced with bundles of milky-white clouds. Even on rainy days You treat us to a misty palette of delicate grays, and earthy browns.

Sometimes You give us celebrations of lightning and thunder that shout the power of nature. And sometimes You treat us to one of those quiet evening horizons that explode into majestic sunsets.

Oh, Father—the wonders of Your creativity surrounds us every day. We thank you for all of it! And yet…in the midst of it all, we know deep down that it is not perfect. Nature has a harsh side, too. Struggles to survive are evident everywhere. Sickness and decay are a daily part of this world. For every creature and plant, death is certain. It is unavoidable.

So, it really is not creation we adore. Even at its most glorious, we sense that it is also broken. Flawed. Temporal. So we turn our eyes to YOU, heavenly Father. You are the One we praise today! Yes, we thank You for your creation, for seasons, colors, and for fresh, new beginnings. But only You are worthy of PRAISE!

We praise You for your never-changing, dependable character. You, oh Lord, are not just the Creator of this world we live in! We praise you because You are our Father—always kind, wise, and eager to forgive. Eager to restore Your relationship with Your children.

Because You are our Redeemer, Jesus the crucified One, the perfect One Who came to reveal the Kingdom of God to us. Because You are just. You are welcoming. You are faithful. And because You are the Friend of sinners, like me.

Today, we praise you for who YOU are. All of Creation will pass away, it will all be changed. But you, Father, never change. We can depend on You in all seasons. You are faithful! And all that death and decay we can’t help but notice? You took care of that, too, on the Cross, where you defeated death once, and for all time.

We praise you today, precious Savior, for your unselfish, perfect sacrifice that means we can live. Truly live, forever with You. We end this prayer of praise, not for Creation and springtime, but for You. Today we, Your people, praise the name of the Lord. Praise ye the Lord!

Discussion Questions:

  1. In John 8, Jesus tells us that only he can set people free from the slavery of sin—that our lineage isn’t enough. Do you assume acceptance from God because of the family you grew up in or the people you’re friends with?

  2. If you are a believer, how have you seen Jesus change your heart to obey what he says?

  3. Jesus tells his listeners that those who abide in his word are his disciples. Do you prioritize spending time reading the Bible and praying?

  4. Where do you struggle to hear the Word of God and do what it says?

  5. How does knowing that Jesus gives us freedom from the bondage of sin encourage you?

  6. How does this passage make you know and love God more?