Sunday Review: 8/9/20


On Sunday, August 9, 2020, Josh Earl from our sister church in Wilmington, NC preached the message, “The Garden Where it Happened.” For projection from this message, click here. To listen to this message again, click here.


  1. Is it easy for you to see Jesus as some sort of superman and not as someone who was fully human?

  2. Is the idea that God’s wrath is a function of his love and goodness hard for you accept?

  3. What is the Gethsemane you are in right now?

  4. Is your sorrow drawing you toward the Lord or pushing you away from him?

  5. Have you brought your sorrows and suffering to Jesus in prayer?

  6. Jesus’ obedience to death sustains and protects us in our moments of temptation. How does this truth encourage you to fight sin?

  7. Which of these three aspects of Jesus (a human savior, a humble savior, and a helping savior) do you need to remember most this week?