Sunday Review: 5/19/24


On Sunday May 19, 2024, Josh Kruger preached the message “7 Shaping Virtues: Servanthood” from Mark 10:35-45. To listen to this message again, click here. See below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. Suffering was the road to greatness and glory for Jesus. Where have you experienced the same as one of his disciples?

  2. What expressions of servanthood are hard for you? What excuses are you prone to make?

  3. How can we tell if we are serving because it’s “the right thing to do” or serving in response to the God who served us?

  4. How does God want you to grow in sacrificially serving his people?

  5. Where do you need to grow in humbly allowing God to serve you through his people?