Sunday Review: 6/2/24


On Sunday June 2, 2024, Matthew Williams preached the message “7 Shaping Virtues: Godliness” from 2 Peter 1:3-11. To listen to this message again, click here. See below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. What sorts of things has God given us in Jesus that make godliness a gift

  2. Give an example of how a promise God has made and kept through the gospel energizes your pursuit of godliness.

  3. Do you expect growth in godliness to require hard work? Are you more prone to self-sufficiency (forgetting God’s gift) or apathy (forgetting your role)?

  4. Where do you need to “make every effort” this year to grow in one of our 7 Shaping Virtues? What promise in God’s Word will help you? 

  5. What’s the difference between Christian activity and Christian fruitfulness?