Sunday Review: 6/16/24


On Sunday June 16, 2024, Matthew Williams preached the message “You’re Grasping a Vapor” from Ecclesiastes 1:1-11. To listen to this message again, click here. See below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. Have you ever thought, “I did what the Bible says I should do, and it didn’t work”? How does God shape our expectations of life “under the sun” through Ecclesiastes?

  2. What does it mean to say, “All is vanity”? 

  3. God’s best work often begins with spiritual demolition. Where do you need the Spirit to help you realize you’re chasing a vapor? 

  4. What do we gain and not gain from our toil in this present world? Share an example of a time you acquired something “new,” and it failed to provide the satisfaction you anticipated. 

  5. Why are we unable to comprehend or control our lives? Does that reality scare you? How does Romans 8:20-21 help us to respond?