Sunday Matters Series


Few traditions in the Christian faith are more widely embraced than the weekly rhythm of worship on the “Lord’s Day” (Acts 20:7, Revelation 1:10). Even non-Christian Americans often recall a time when grandma or another influential family member made them go to church. If you grew up going to church and continue going for the rest of your life, you will on average attend Sunday worship 4,056 times!

Anything we do that often is at risk of becoming a mindless exercise. When I wake up in the morning, I don’t ask myself, “Hmm…should I eat breakfast today or not?” It’s just what I do. It’s a habit. In similar fashion, there are plenty of Christians who get up on Sunday morning and go to church because it’s just what you do. It’s a habit. 

While a habit of regular Sunday worship is an exceedingly good thing (Hebrews 10:24-25), we can easily forget the reason. Why does the weekly assembly of the people of God matter so much? What exactly does God want us to do when we gather? These are the two questions we’re going to answer in a short sermon series entitled, Sunday Matters. Here’s what we plan on covering:

A Word-Shaped Liturgy – How does the gospel inform the structure of our meetings?

Preach the Word – Why is the preaching (and reading) of God’s Word so important?

Sing the Word – Why does the Lord repeatedly tell us to sing? 

Pray the Word  – What are we doing when we talk to God in public? 

Share the Word – Is fellowship anything more than Christian lingo? 

The Grace of Giving Part I - What does it mean to worship God with our resources?

The Grace of Giving Part II - What does it mean to worship God with our resources?

The Grace of Baptism – How is baptism the front door of the church? 

The Lord's Supper – Why did Jesus give us a family meal? 

Exercise Spiritual Gifts - How do we actively participate in the Body of Christ?

Sunday matters. It matters to God. It should matter to you. Join us over the next few weeks to understand the reason.