Staff Day Recap


Every year the church staff takes time away to discuss a certain aspect of church life and spend time together as a group. While this year's retreat looked different due to COVID-19, we were still able to spend a day discussing our mission as a church and also get in a game of mini golf. To know a bit more about what we discussed, check out Quin's recap below.

Last month, our small team of the office staff at KingsWay spent a day discussing how we can focus our efforts to follow Jesus' teaching. God has given us a mission, and at KingsWay, we want to be faithful to this Great Commission. 

We started with the question: What is the mission of the church? Is it generally to do good in the world, or could it be that our mission is more specific and comes from Jesus' final words to his disciples before His ascension? The church is commissioned to "make disciples of all nations, baptizing them... and teaching them all that [Christ] commanded." (Matthew 28:18-20)

What do you think are some of our strengths as a local church? We asked this question and thought long and hard about what we are doing, what we can do, and what we ought to do. I'm so grateful that the Lord equips us for the mission at hand. 

We would be misled, however, if we used the world's standard for measuring our success. Do we measure success by numeric measurements, or do we measure our success by Spirit-enabled faithfulness to fulfill the mission of the church? Our prayerful hope and expectation is that now and always Christ will be magnified, not our efforts!

I am grateful for this team of servant leaders who are eager to link arms with each member of our church to follow Jesus. I am particularly grateful for Matthew. His humble heart and clarity of vision continue to serve our team and our church as a whole. All glory be to Christ!

Pastor's BlogMatthew Williams