Preparing for the Upcoming Election


It was a privilege to gather with members of our congregation last Sunday evening to pray for governing authorities and the upcoming election. We pray because we believe the Sovereign Lord who reigns over the nations moves the hearts of “kings and all who are in high positions” in response to the prayers of his people (1 Tim 2:2). The actions elected officials take help or hinder our ability to lead a life that is peaceful, quiet, godly, and dignified - the kind of life conducive to the spread of the gospel. When it comes to the church’s relationship to politics, our primary responsibility is to pray and keep on praying as citizens of the kingdom of heaven.

The fact that our ultimate citizenship is in heaven does not detract from the significance of our earthly citizenship. If anything, it helps us see it for what it is - an opportunity to “do good to all men” (Gal 6:10) and “seek the welfare of the city” where we live as exiles (Jer 29:7). Viewed in those categories, voting is not so much a biblical mandate as it is a biblical opportunity. Allow me to flag two resources that may serve you in this regard. First, check out this blog post from Pastor Kevin DeYoung on what we are doing when we vote It’s a few years old, but many of the wisdom principles he describes are still relevant. Second, check out the VA Department of Elections website for detailed information on how to practically prepare.

As a rule, we do not hold voter registration drives or distribute voter guides at KingsWay because we don’t want to communicate (A) Being a Christian means you must vote, or (B) Being a Christian means you can only adopt one political perspective. Many of the political issues in play are jagged-line issues, not black and white matters of right or wrong. In all of them, we can trust the Lord to give us the wisdom we need (Jas 1:5), knowing no matter what happens on Election Day, the King of Kings reigns over the nation (Ps 47:8).