Missions Report: Santa Cruz, Bolivia

I have the joy of spending the better part of this week with our friends Jorge and David Del Castillo and Iglesia Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace Church) in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. They are hosting their second annual Siervos Por Su Gracia (Servants by His Grace) conference for believers around the country. Last year, we focused on the heart of the gospel. What does it mean that Christ came into the world to save sinners? This year, the main sessions center on the nature of the local church. How does God’s Word shape our understanding and practice of congregational life and ministry?

It's a crucial topic for Bolivia. The entire nation is steeped in Catholicism where church life is more rooted in the traditions of men than Scripture. Those who are not Catholic have often had some level of exposure to forms of Pentecostalism where church life is governed by the pursuit of health and wealth and built around the ministry of a charismatic pastoral figurehead. David is wisely addressing all of these errors not by launching a pointed critique but by taking people back to God’s design for his people.

One of our KingsWay elders, Chris Deloglos, and his wife, Maria, arrived last Friday. Chris is the point man for our denomination in Bolivia and provides extra-local care for Jorge, David, and their church. The Delogloses have a strategic “meals ministry,” as I like to put it, spending nearly every lunch or dinner with leading couples in the congregation. Eating out is a significant part of the culture in Santa Cruz. Restaurants are everywhere! Over the course of several hours of conversation, Chris and Maria provide biblical counsel, encouragement in the work of ministry, and get a better sense for how to help the Del Castillos shepherd God’s flock. I’m also excited for them to tag-team a parenting seminar tomorrow afternoon!

With more limited language skills, I flew down primarily to discuss church leadership issues with Jorge and David, teach a main session on the Old Testament roots of the church, and try my hand at leading worship through song in Spanish. Singing with my brothers and sisters in another tongue reminds me just how great our God is. The worth and weight of Christ’s glory cannot be captured by the English language alone!

I’m deeply grateful for how many of you have emailed or texted Chris and me this week simply to say you’re praying for us. We feel our need for the Lord’s help and are eager to serve this precious church. Allow me to make some specific requests:

  1. Pray for many opportunities to encourage Jorge & David and their wives in the Lord

  2. Pray for wisdom for Chris and Maria as they do live Q&A after their parenting seminar

  3. Pray for sensitivity to the Spirit and the gift of unction as I preach with live translation

  4. Pray that Christ would be exalted through our times of corporate singing

Many of you have given generously to financially support their church over the last 3 years. Thank you, my friends. We’re in this together for Jesus’ sake. Chris, Maria, and I look forward to telling more stories of God’s work when we return.

Matthew Williams