IMW 2022: Our Vision


In a little over two weeks, we will host our 6th annual International Missions Weekend! While it’s not the only time we highlight our responsibility to labor for the advancement of the gospel in other cultures and nations, this weekend has become a beloved tradition in our church and a strategic opportunity to reinforce one of our 7 Shared Values: Missions, which encompasses church planting, outreach, and global missions. Everything we’re planning for adults and children alike is designed to accomplish the following goals. 

  1. REMEMBER why God is passionately committed to saving men and women from every tribe and tongue

  2. REJOICE in the amazing work God is doing through the missionaries and churches we support

  3. PRAY for the gospel to go forth in power among specific nations and people groups

  4. PREPARE to send and be sent as a church family

Event Highlights

Saturday, March 5 (6:30-8:30pm)

  • Watch a video from Dave Taylor, SGC Director of Global Missions, reviewing the work God is doing around in globe through Sovereign Grace Churches

  • Listen to video testimonies from our ministry partners in Bolivia and Namibia

  • Create packets of encouragement notes to mail to our full-time missionaries, church-planters, and their families

  • Pray for gospel ministry in specific regions around the world

Sunday, March 6 (10:00am-1:00pm)

  • Conclude our Making Christ Known series with a sermon from Romans 15-16 on the priority of partnership

  • Hear a testimony from Perry Wang, a Chinese church planter in residence at Risen Hope Church outside Charleston, SC

  • Receive a special, one-time offering for our International Missions Fund (Out of every dollar given, 50% supports our missionaries and church planters, 25% goes to the Casa de Esperanza orphanage, and 25% is devoted to mission projects around the world)

  • Share a potluck lunch featuring ethnic foods from the cultures represented in our own congregation (sign up here)

Missions isn’t reserved for the few. It’s a holy privilege God has entrusted to every one of us. May the Lord use our entire weekend to renew our passion to make Christ known! And if you want to learn more about how we approach missions as a denomination, check out the new SGC missions website in advance.