Food Pantry Testimony

Food Pantry Testimony Final (1).png

One of the ways that we care for and extend mercy to others is through our food pantry. On Thursday afternoons, a team of volunteers gathers at our building to provide a week’s worth of groceries for RVA families in need. Some of these families are members of our church, but the vast majority are not. This creates an incredible opportunity to engage in spiritual conversation and pray with several hundred neighbors over the course of a year. Time and again, we watch the Lord feed their souls as we labor to feed their bodies. We recently received a letter from Barbara, one of the people we serve at food pantry. She asked that we share her letter below with the church..

Dear friends at KingsWay Food Pantry and members of the church proper. I'm writing to thank you all so very much for the food you sent to me on Thursday, October 8. It was needed very badly and my family and I are very grateful to you, everyone. I must tell you of my particular situation on that day and how your workers that day in the food pantry made a change in my son's personal beliefs in our Lord.

I'm 73 and very poor and KingsWay Church and its church members and food pantry staff help my family survive by providing food for my family. On Thursday, October 8, my son came to pick up food provided by the donations of church members! I was very unwell due to a fall on the cement driveway at my son's home and I lost my balance hitting the back of my head hard! I was dizzy, and not able to understand the conversations with anyone, walk, see, or speak, and I had been like that a day or two.

My son is not saved and his position is "there is no God," however, he respects other people's beliefs in our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus, our Savior. At the food pantry that day, the workers at the food pantry asked my son if he needed them to pray for anyone and he told them "Yes, pray for my mother" and he explained. I knew nothing of this until later that night when his friend, who was with him that day, called to see how I was. I told her I was much better since that afternoon. That's when she told me my son had asked for prayer at the food pantry for me.

I was so happy because I pray every day our Lord would speak to my son's heart and open the doors that my son would be saved. To me, it gave me hope for his salvation and it was something my son wouldn't normally do. So you see because your kind workers reached out to him regarding prayer and my son being an unbeliever, I knew our Lord was speaking to my son's heart. It's a start that I pray will continue.

We thank you in every way for all you and your generous church members and staff, to those who truly need food and prayers. The Lord has shown my son through this work and donation there is a God. He answers prayer. He is mighty.

Thank you,
