Coronavirus Update for June 4: A Note from Matthew


Good morning, KingsWay!

I’m happy to announce that after reviewing the latest counsel from public health authorities, our elders decided to move forward with gathering in-person for worship this Sunday (June 7). In lieu of repeating what I already shared in my last video message, let me flag a couple pertinent details to help you plan accordingly.

  • If you have been sick within the last 14 days, please stay at home and continue to watch the live stream portion of our meeting.

  • If you are uncomfortable gathering for health reasons, and especially if you’re part of a vulnerable population, you should not feel guilty about staying at home and participating via live stream. Please log-on by 10:20am on Sunday. The prayer of intercession and sermon will begin no later than 10:30am.

  • Since King’sKids will not be open, we are planning a shorter service (60-75 minutes) to make it easier for families with children to attend. Little ones are welcome to play on the floor in front of their seat. If you’re not confident you can keep your children with you at all times before, during, and after the service, please consider staying at home and participating via live stream.

  • Face masks will be required for all individuals age 3 and older to enter our facility. We will have a limited supply of disposable and cloth masks available outside the front entrance for folks who don’t have one.

  • Family units will be seated 6’ apart in the auditorium. Be sure to arrive around 9:45 so our ushers can help you locate the best seating arrangement.

  • We still will not be able to share communion or receive an offering in person. Thank you for continuing to give online!

  • At the conclusion of the service, you will be dismissed by section to leave the auditorium and exit to the parking lot. I think this will be the hardest part emotionally for many of us. After not seeing one another in person for so long, we naturally and rightly want to linger and talk. Loving our neighbor means we simply can’t do that yet as a church of several hundred people.

  • Remember the Lord meets us together in a way that simply doesn’t happen when we are apart from one another. Don’t stay home simply because it’s more convenient. Social distancing requirements won’t be easy, the entire service will probably feel a bit strange, but I am confident the Lord will encourage and build us up simply by being together. Our souls need tangible reminders that we are not alone.

I can’t wait to see many of you this weekend.


Matthew Williams