Book Recommendations


One of my pastoral goals for our church this year is that we would grow in reading good Christian books that help us understand and apply God’s Word. I want to highlight four books that develop the principle of biblical faith - informed, personal reliance on Jesus to give us life. You can find these book in the Bookshop on Sunday.

The Word: One to One
By: William Taylor

Faith in Jesus grows in the soil of God’s Word. That’s the whole point of v. 31. If you want to help a friend who has yet to trust Jesus learn to trust Jesus, invite them to read the Gospel of John with you and use Taylor’s booklets to guide your conversation.

Questioning Evangelism
By: Randy Newman

Jesus often responded to unbelief by asking thoughtful questions. Randy does a fantastic job explaining how we can follow his example and engage in humble conversation with skeptics that points them back to God’s Word. 

Taking God at His Word
By: Kevin DeYoung

If you’ve wrestled with believing the Bible is true. Or if you wonder if God can perfectly communicate His Word through imperfect men, check this book out.

By: Greg Gilbert

This is a book written primarily to Christians who struggle with knowing whether they really do believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. If you’re questioning the authenticity of your faith, Gilbert will serve you well.