Sunday Review: 7/28/24


On Sunday July 28, 2024, Caleb Collins preached the message “What Is Good & Fitting?” from Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:12. To listen to this message again, click here. See below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. Where do you tend to look for peace or “the good life” (i.e. wealth, power, possessions, circumstances, people, etc.)? 

  2. Why are power and wealth poor sources of life and peace? How is Jesus the “true and better” source of life and peace? Be specific.

  3. Think of a time you experienced the joy of trusting Jesus when you were tempted to trust an idol. Share an example to encourage another believer that they can trust Jesus.

  4. How can you cultivate a greater enjoyment of God and the good gifts He has provided? Name/write down some of those gifts and spend time thanking God for them.

  5. Is there something you're trying to hold onto in addition to Jesus? See Matthew 6:24 (it doesn't just apply to money!).