Sunday Review: 8/25/24


On Sunday August 25, 2024, Matthew Williams preached the message “The Difference Between Wisdom and Folly” from Ecclesiastes 10:1-20. To listen to this message again, click here. See below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. Is wise living about doing more wise things than foolish things? Where are you tempted to give yourself a pass on walking in wisdom?

  2. Have you ever tried to change your outward behavior without dealing with your heart? What happened?

  3. How should we respond to the fact that most fools don’t know they’re fools?

  4. Where do you need to grow in anticipating consequences, speaking with grace and humility, or living with the end in view?

  5. What makes wisdom a walking in love strategy, not a self-improvement strategy?

  6. Where do you see gaps between who you may appear to be in public and who you are in private? Where is the Lord calling you toward him down the road of life?

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